Word Frequency Counter
Count the number of words in a peice of text and rank which words are used the most.
You can post a large body of text - e.g. from a webpage to see how often certain keywords come up. Find the webpage you want to analyse, then select all, then right click/press copy, and then paste that text into the block here.
Put your text content in the block and press Process.
This tool can also remove common grammar words from the results, making it more easy to see words of importance or keywords in the text (tick the checkbox).
More about using this tool
This tool is completely free, and you are welcome to use it as much as you like. We saw the need for such a tool and believe that others may also find it of use.
Advanced Features - 1. Only include specific words in the main results
By entering words in this block, you can scan a peice of text for specific keywords only.
To use this feature you can seperate the words by spaces or by commas. e.g. word1, word2, word3, word4.
This is extremely useful when you have specific keywords for example that you want to see how many times they are used in a peice of content, but you do not need to know about other words. You just want a quick way to see how many times those specific words come up.
Note that you can keep the words list they same, and keep pasting and analysing various pages of content. You do not need to re-enter the words each time as the page will keep them in the box until you remove them or clear the page.
Advanced Features - 2. Your / Our words
This allows you to see in a peice of content how many words are aimed at the person needs (using words like you and your), and how much it uses words like we, our and us, which speak about the business.
All the you / your words are counted and grouped together, and all the we / our / us type words are grouped together, and a percentage shown to see the balance of between the groups.
When writing websites aimed at attracting customers, where the business performs some service,
or sells some product:
It can be important for the content to be focused on the customer, and speak in terms of their needs.
Consider the following sentence:
A) "This service can help save you time, make your life easier, allowing you to do the things that are important to you."
What you will notice the sentence contains the words: "you" three times, and "your" once. And it doesn't contain the words "we" or "our" at all. It is customer focused and speaks in terms of their needs.
Now, consider this sentence:
B) "Our services helps save people time and makes their lives easier, allowing them to do the things that are important to them."
Both A) and B) are saying the same thing, but in a different way, but B) is no longer speaking in terms of the readers needs. It feels different to the person receiving it. It also begins with the word "our", and has no "you" / "your words" in it.
You can use this tool on various pages of your content, and then check the word frequency count between these two groups of words.
Tool by: WebXSpecialist
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